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piddy - 16/3/06 at 12:01 PM

Ive been trying to contact Greengauges via the phone and e mail but without any joy.

The phone number says its a BT number and require account number and pin number.

I notice that their web site hasen't been updated since 2003.

stevebubs - 16/3/06 at 12:13 PM

Ask directory enquiries for Speedy Cables...

piddy - 16/3/06 at 12:55 PM

I've found the number for Speedy cables. I'll ring them tomorrow.

wilkingj - 16/3/06 at 08:07 PM

Dont be down hearted... I found them very helpful. Greengauges, Speedy cables, are all part of the same company (but separate units) Basically a good bunch.