I am having an issue getting my ignition light to come on when the igniton is turned on. I have a switched supply from the barrel to the light and the
other pin is supplied by the alternator charging wire which is brown with a yellow tracer. I am getting 12v to the light from the swithced feed and 12
v from the alternator charging wire, but no light. Any ideas, this is really starting to baffle me.
Yup, your feeding it with two +'ve feeds, its never goint to light up.
You need 1 or both +ve's to 1 side of the light and earth or -ve to the other
The terminal from the alternator needs to be negative when the engine is not running and positive when the engine is running.
The terminal from the alternator is a switched negative. Hence being a brown wire with coloured trace.
The positive side of the light is right (should be on the switched feed from the ign switch). Are you sure you are connected to the right terminal on
the alternator?
Originally posted by MkIndy7
Yup, your feeding it with two +'ve feeds, its never goint to light up.
You need 1 or both +ve's to 1 side of the light and earth or -ve to the other
Sound like it is wired OK. Not a blown bulb by any chance?
Raz, Surely an Earth/-Ve needs to be provided from somewhere, just the removal or switching off of a +ve is not enough to light a bulb?
Unless when it switches off it becomes a -ve somehow, in which case the suggestion that it is coming from the wrong terminal sounds the most likey.
Originally posted by MkIndy7
Raz, Surely an Earth/-Ve needs to be provided from somewhere, just the removal or switching off of a +ve is not enough to light a bulb?
Unless when it switches off it becomes a -ve somehow, in which case the suggestion that it is coming from the wrong terminal sounds the most likey.
I have put the borwn and yellow trace wire on the buld side but still no joy. The brown and yellow on the alternator side is part of a multi plug so no way og connecting it wrong. Confused still
earth the small(ind) wire or poke a circuit tester up it,the dash light should glow.
if not its a bulb/wire prob
Isn't the charge light wire usually blue?
It is on my Lucas equipped crossflow.
You could continuity test the Bulb to prove that works, or even wire it direct to the battery to prove it Illuminates.
It is a bulb isin't it, and not an LED that could have the polarity wrong?
I have checked the buld works by earthing it and it lights up fine. It appears not to be getting the earth that it requires from the charging connection.
there is no earth in alternator then,has it been standing around,sometimes a good spin to un-lock the brushes will work,is the body earthed,failing
that its an alternator prob
Do we have an answer yet?
Its always nice to know there outcome when somebody finally sorts it.
Originally posted by Simon F27
I have put the borwn and yellow trace wire on the buld side but still no joy. The brown and yellow on the alternator side is part of a multi plug so no way og connecting it wrong.