i need a few more p-clips for my loom ive seen a few websites selling them but P&P is bout £5 and i only need a few so where can i get them???
10 x (19mm p clips) for LOOM, 10 x (9mm P clips) Fuel line, 10 x (12mm P clips) Loom
while im asking i need some edge trim for holes in body work (bout 2meters i suppose) and flexible filler pipe to route from my tank to filler cap
approx 20-30cm, th clips to suit
where are you?
Can't help with the 19mm and the 10mm, but I have about 50 x 12mm clips spare. (Bought in bulk from Maplin!) If you want them, I can put them
in the post, or if you can't wait you are more than welcome to call over and pick them up.
Even better I could deliver them in the Indy, for a small fee and a cup of coffee!
Originally posted by CaLviNx
For odd sizes I made my own clips out of a nylon spray can lid cut into strips heated into shape then drilled through, its made of the same stuff bought ones are so is just as strong, and you can make it any size you wish.
where are you?
and guiness you have u2u...
Maplins carry many differing sizes of white & black nylon "P" clips in bags of 10,20,50 & 100's and a 100 bag I bought for my loom was £1.99 so its not going to break the bank, they might be suitable for you.
For odd sizes I made my own clips out of a nylon spray can lid cut into strips heated into shape then drilled through, its made of the same stuff bought ones are so is just as strong, and you can make it any size you wish.
that involves cutting or heat, im sure id make a bloody mess!?
Krismc - 9/4/06 at 03:57 PMWhat about the fuel pip and the other clips!
Maplins for the clips, ill try !!
caber - 9/4/06 at 09:50 PMTry your local electrical wholesaler they have P clips for "Pyro" cable and "SWA" they are dead cheap but probably have to buy a box, you can always re pack the and sell here at a profit!
Krismc - 13/4/06 at 08:34 PMcheers guinness for the delviery of some pclips in his indy, i owe you one!!
Ps i could hear you for about 5 mins after you left!
Guinness - 13/4/06 at 09:26 PMNo bother. Went the long way home
Krismc - 13/4/06 at 09:45 PMha ha, and so you should its a nice night for a drive!
you have just put my ''want to get finished level'' up sky high!