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Megajolt wiring
dave1888 - 17/4/06 at 05:21 PM

On the attached piccy what is the component 25uf (bottom right) for and is it needed. I am not using shift lights. Rescued attachment mjlj_v3_wiring.gif
Rescued attachment mjlj_v3_wiring.gif

GeoffT - 17/4/06 at 05:30 PM

It's a 25 microfarad capacitor, there to remove any noise spikes on the 12v line. Your local Maplin store should see you ok, make sure you get one rated at 16 volt or higher though.

paulf - 17/4/06 at 07:58 PM

It wont hurt to fit it but its not strictly neccesary.I havent fitted one and most other people dont bother and it causes no problems, I think it originates from the OEM fitment for radio supression but dont expect you will have a radio in your car to worry about it.

dave1888 - 17/4/06 at 09:18 PM

Thank you gentlemen.