Hi all
If any one is interested ( and is building there own loom ) i have put a cut down version of a Sierra wiper system wiring diagram on my web site.
I should have a basic overall diagram up there aswell fairly soon .
Julian B
wiring page
P on the intermittent relay should be 12 V variable from the variable control rheostat and 31 should be earth not constant live
On my diagram 31 is shown as busbar to give the intermittent relay its constant supply, but canany one else shed light on this . Can anyone else also
tell me what the value of the pot for the variable delay should be
Julian B
31 is negative busbar. 31 is the usual number used by Ford on wiring diagrams to denote an earth connection, just like 30 is battery live and 15
ignition live.
There is a fixed intermittent wipe relay available from escorts and early base model sierra's (?many base fords) does away with the P connection
but otherwise has identical pins and numbers.
Sadly threw away the variable pot about five years ago cos I couldn't get it to work!
Hi Dusty
I have had another look and changed the diagram to show the negative busbar ground.
I have managed to get a couple of relays one with a p and one without, I will have ago and see if i have any luck with pot values.
Thanks again for your input
Julian B