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Wanted Local Wiring Genius
scoey m - 18/5/06 at 05:04 PM

Hi Guys
Basically as per title i wonder if anyone local can assist me with trying to wire my looms together spent the last 2 weeks trying to understand it but as i am a total numpty with all wiring its not going too well
Please Please Help !

flak monkey - 18/5/06 at 05:06 PM

Where are you...that would help quite a lot

Humbug - 18/5/06 at 05:06 PM

I can't help as I am also a numpty in that area, but it would help any experts to know where "local" is

scoey m - 18/5/06 at 05:09 PM

OOPS Very sorry forgot that bit
West Yorkshire

rayward - 18/5/06 at 05:12 PM

if you don't have any luck finding someone closer, i may be able to help.


indykid - 18/5/06 at 06:01 PM

go on, where in west yorkshire? give us a the first half of your postcode FFS!

i've never done a bike loom, but if you're just round the corner, i know a comittee, that'd probably come for a look.


mookaloid - 18/5/06 at 07:00 PM

West Yorkshire - quite big last time I looked

You can't help some people

Howlor - 18/5/06 at 07:25 PM

If you can wait a couple of weeks I will come and do it for you. Or you could send me all the bits, a wiring diagram for the R1 and I'll sort it out for you.


scoey m - 18/5/06 at 07:43 PM

Hi all
Thank you very much for all replys some promising offers there, best to see r1 loom i did attempt myself to remove unused circuits and to connect


rusty - 18/5/06 at 07:46 PM

I must be mad cos I love wiring but i'm in dorset so not much help.