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Warning Lights
Johnmor - 20/5/06 at 02:03 PM

It may seem like a silly question , but how bright do the warning lights have tobe to pass SVA?

I have lights that are integral to the speedo and rev counter but in bright daylight , they are not that clear. In a garage under flourescent lighting thay are fine.
I dont want to have to fit other lights just for SVA.

Thoughts please.

graememk - 20/5/06 at 06:34 PM

to hazard a quess, they would need to be bright enough to see them when the sva man looks at them, if they cant be seen there of no use.

Peteff - 20/5/06 at 07:56 PM

I've fitted an indicator beep to remind me to switch them off as the light doesn't show very well. They are under cover when you SVA it so it's darker and they show up better.