After my sesion with Holeshot the car was runing perfect......but for SVA the guys at MK disconnected the powercommander because the emissions were
way of with it...
Now i've connected it back together and it is doing nothing anymore, someone else had something like this before ????
The company were i bought it said they could return it to the factory but it's cheaper to buy a new one, but ...the map is gone also........
someone have a idea???
if the maps gone - sounds like it's reset itself somehow?
Is the map stored on volatile ram? - e.g. a small battery keeps a constant feed to it - over time as the battery runs out it loses the info?
That would explain how the map has gone - either that or you have inadvertently reset the unit.
It's a memory that don't neet a battery.
But when i connect it to my laptop he reconice the powercommander but cannot connect with it so don's see the map cannot send a map.....
what too do now....
Wich power commander do you have?
USB? serial?
If you are getting the start up sequence(the lights will light up in sequence and return to a single green light) then you will need to load a map into your power commander program on your laptop. only once you have a map loaded on the laptop will you be able to retrieve the map stored on the power commander unit itself.
Got the USB version...
The start doesn't work anymore the lights are not lighting up.......
The laptop see the powercommander but can't configure it.. this is what it said..
You may not be getting power to the power commander. Even with the ecu plugs not connected to the power commander you should still have a power on
light. You need to make sure the single power lead which is connected to the brake light switch on the bike is connected, and that the earth lead on
the power commander is also connected.
They may have disconnected the power supply lead for the SVA.
Thanks for the response but the main feeds are oke because this was the first thing i checked.
Also when working outside the car on a regulator the unit is not starting up.
Also with the supplied battery connector i can't connect with the laptop.
Sorry Daniel
I cant think what else it could be apart from a fault with the power commander. Have you tried e-mailing Dynojet's technical department? Maybe
they can help you.
is there an internal fuse just a thought
Just get a email, thay said it's a mistake of MK side because when disconnecting the ecu connectors you also have to disconnect the
powerconnector .....oops..
The powercommander was on the powerconnector when i took the car back home.....
Oke, new powercommander orderd so ...
Thanks for the help Daniel