i have been having problems with the brake warning light
the float in the master cylinder has been checked as has the hand brake switch to ensure it is free and not stuck.
light still remains on
any other ideas????
(using the Vickie green loom)
just for that make up your own loom its three wires 1 live to one side of the bulb
then the other side of the bulb is the earth which needs two wires going to it
1 to the the hanbrake switch
the other to the one side of the m/c connection then the other side of the m/c to your chassis
at least its a quick fix for now
Sounds like one of the switches isnt earthing, handbrake switch not opening or not enough fluid in reservoir.
My bottle switch has 3 wires. i only used the outer 2. One to earth one to light. doesnt sound like the handbrake switch. Have you tried touching the
wire to ground a few times to see if light comes on and off as you would expect (just to eliminate if it is reservoir or wiring fault).
Not sure about bikes but on some car loams brake waring ligh is connected to the ignition/charge light so enless engine is running it will not go out sort of a lamp test when the ignition is first switched on.
A suggested diagnostic path...
1. Remove the reservoir cap while still connected & hold it inverted. If the light goes out then you've either not got enough fluid, or the
float's knackered. If it doesn't go out, go to the next step...
2. Replace the cap, then pull out its connector. If the light goes out the cap's knackered. If it doesn't...
3. Put the connector back in, and pull the connector(s) off the handbrake switch. If the light goes out, look at the switch. If it doesn't go
out - look at your wiring!
Hope that helps,
Many thanks.
i've used a multi meter on the cap turning it upside down there is a continuity.
will try the other options and report back