Okay, well SVA in a very short time so pretty desperate.
I've got a Pinto running a Rascal alternator and a Bright 6. I can't get it to charge right. It's charging at maybe 13.3v as opposed
to the expected 13.8v. All on a Premier Loom.
Anybody else got this combination?
Although I realise it's not an SVA fail issue I'm worried I won't be able to get there and back! And anyway, I want it working!
On the Rascal alternator there's the horizontal connector (marked IG) and the lower vertical one (marked L). Plus the obvious big one to the
I've currently got this setup: Alternator 'L' to the Bright 6 alternator connection using the Premier Blue wire.
Alternator IG connected to a +12v ignition live.
I wondered if the Bright 6 LED wasn't enough of a current to supply the coil so I've tried wiring in a bulb in series with the 'L'
and the Bright 6. The bulb doesn't even come on with ignition although the Bright6 does.
I since tried wiring the bulb in series with IG. It comes on dimly and goes off once ignition started... all good. Except the charge voltage is still
13.3v so not much use.
Anybody with this combination got it all working?
Much gratitude will ensue if you have any pointers!!!
[Edited on 4/7/06 by James]
[Edited on 4/7/06 by James]
what revs are you measuring your charge voltage at??.
If you are worried about low current, try the bulb in parallel.
Cheers and best of luck!
[Edited on 06-7-4 by leto]
Originally posted by rayward
what revs are you measuring your charge voltage at??.
Was a really long, complex fix.....
Turns out that if the charge lead to the battery isn't properly tightened up (nut hidden by the rubber boot) then it doesn't charge so well!
Weird that!
Decided to check the continuity of the charge lead in case I'd broken it... that's when I found it wasn't connected properly! Doh!
All charging fine even at idle!
aye aye captain