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Spec required for VDO dip tube senders
craig1410 - 24/9/06 at 11:53 AM

I'm trying to figure out if a VDO dip tube sender would be suitable for use with an Acewell 3150 type dash unit (100 ohm required).

Does anyone know where I can find technical specs for these senders? I have tried the VDO-Siemens website but it is a typical corporate-waffle type website with (as far as I can tell) very little substance.

I see that Merlin Motorsport sell these senders in a wide range of lengths and they don't seem too expensive but does anyone know where is the cheapest place to buy them?


the_fbi - 24/9/06 at 12:56 PM

Most of the VDO documents are on the website and the choice appears to be 0-90Ohm or 10-180Ohm

Which model dip tube you looking at using?

craig1410 - 24/9/06 at 02:53 PM

Thanks for the link but unfortunately it doesn't appears to be the correct type of sender here.

Here is a link to the right type of sender:

It is referred to as a "Metal Tubular-Type" sender. The resistances may well be similar though but I'd like to be sure. I can't find any data sheets or tech specs on the tubular type sender.
