Im installing a digidash with speedo pickup on the propshaft, do the magnets have to be 180derees to each other or both together?
what i the best thing to stick them with??
Thanks Andrew.
The magnets should be equally spaced around the shaft.
thanks Si.
I'm not sure how to best attach them though. I've heard various ways, and success and failure with most ways. Some use araldite or othe glues, some use a strap of some sort or all manor of other ways.
Plenty of araldite and then skim some over the top aswell . I also used sellotape and put araldite over that also. Their not going anywhere .
180* best you can don't have too be 100%, araldite works for me, i drilled a small hole and dimpled them in too, I did lose one years back on the
isonblade, as you know I got the car back recently after a 3 year absence, guess what I found stuck too the inside wall of the transmission tunnel
whilst I was checking her over ?
Correct, the missing magnet.
If your on a limited mileage policy it can help if one falls off from time too time, ok you lose the gear indicator but speed is easy too manage as it
just reads exactly 1/2........ Not that i would condone such actions.
Dare i suggest the unfriendly ' do a search' for magnet bonding. Ive had more than fair share of problems. Recently posted some
recommendations for improved adhesion.
woo hoo! not so friendly this time - just found the link -
I updated it from 25.9.06 with better ideas and experience.
[Edited on 12/10/06 by DarrenW]
I'm using an electronic speedo on my kit (non 7) which doesn't use magnets but just needs four evenly spaced pick up points on prop, This
might seem a stupid thing to say but are we talking of different things altogether ?
check out or google 'haldane 100' and see what i mean
alternatively could these things not be riveted to the prop, please bear in mind that i haven't seen these things so i dont know how big they
ETB DD2 use 6mm magnets. after extensive research best nethod seems to be drill 6.2 mm hole half magnet height and bond in place. Also bond over top
to seal. Do search to find spec of ultimate glue - not cheap though.
Fast set araldite is NG.
Im trialing sikaflex currently.
ETB also do the bolt head pickup for the DD2 picking up bolt heads instead of using magnets...usually 4 bolt heads.
But that solution is more expensive than the standard magnetic pickup. Talk to ETB.