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Rear Light Lenses
The Doc - 14/10/06 at 05:55 PM

My rear lights have 'windows' to light the No plate.
These are not required as the plate will be lit separately. Should I simply ignore these or attempt to colour the clear windows red? Does it matter?


DIY Si - 14/10/06 at 06:05 PM

Up to you really. Ignore them, paint them red, black them out, up to you.

Guinness - 14/10/06 at 08:18 PM

If they are like the ones I have


the little window is removable, and recessed by a couple of mm.

I had a few bits of black plastic left over from the interior trim kit for the Indy. I templated the correct shape in cardboard, then made them from the plastic. Kept the original clear lens in place and silkaflexed the black panels over the top. This brought the face flush, avoiding any sharp edges at SVA time.

Worked well for me, and stops (white) light shining on the bodywork when I brake.



Danozeman - 15/10/06 at 09:18 AM

Up to you. Id black them out. Couple of bits of tape on the inside would do.