Anyone bought a pre-Vicki Green Lolocost Loom?
word has it they are a bit pony,try premier wiring
Yup gotta be a premier loom any day.
You could try doing your own using the wire from your donor.
These look interesting as well.
yours, Pete.
Hmmm...didn't give enough info, I'll sart again!!
Has anyone bought a pre Vicki Green Lolocost loom? The reason I ask, is that I bought one cheap at an open day, and I'm trying to sort out the
steering column wiring. Nothing Pony about it, just that I know nothing about electrics!
If its a sierra try reading further back in this topic. Lots of references to them.
yours, Pete.
How much did you pay ?? Throw it away !
My mate bought Vicki Green loom and only had problems with the following :-
Dizzi (big time)
Any thing else you can think of.
Cost him more time (and money) than doing it from scratch, which is my plan.
FYI I've used a mk4 Escort loom in mine. Fitted a treat, very few un-needed bits and even sits nice on the bulkhead.
How much did you pay ?? Throw it away !
As far as I can see a pre Vikki Green loom is exactly the same as a Vikki Green loom, they just named it after her because she fitted it instead of
her husband and rang Lolocost to thank them. Presumabely this was a rare happening for Lolocost so they named it after the only person that found it
Sounds like we all need our better halves to fit the wiring loom.
and we thought women were only good for 3 things
A friend of mine building a Locost bought one of these looms in an attempt to make it easier (quicker) for his auto-electrician friend to wire up his
car. Having had a good look at it, the said auto electrician though it was OK as a source of different coloured wires but a joke as a wiring loom!
I'm not an electrician but wired my car up OK using the Mk2 Escort loom.
so what are the other 2 things women are good for????????
tin hat on dive for cover keep mouth shut and deny it was me that did anything ever
[The adapter kit was missing which is presumably why it was cheap. £60.00 if I remember correctly.
The new 'complete?' (if RHE ever supply anything that's complete !) is only about £60 isn't it ? not that I'd give 'em
60p for one now !
The one I foolishly bought did just end up as source of wire
[Edited on 4/6/03 by jonti]
The VG loom is made in India I believe. The one I have was made in the UK by Autosparks.
Check where the wires go and what for in the loom and work out which wores out of your switches do what...
I think its easier to use the loom that came from your donor car. Its should be near enough plug and play with a bit of shortening within
reason(although im nowhere near that stage yet)..