hi i saw these lights on ebay, just was wandering has anyone used these and are sva friendly
does this link work?
no it doesnt dam!!
Here is your LINK and the answer is Yes, they can be used as they are E marked.
thank you for the link and your swift reply, appreciated.
I was going too buy from him a while ago till i read this in his listing.
Negative feedback will be given those who give negative or neutral feedback, I will leave feedback when you have left mine, yours will be within 30
days from end of sale, if you do not like my terms do not buy I Just want buyers.
Check out SVC first - you may find them cheaper when you add it all up
Originally posted by COREdevelopments
hi i saw these lights on ebay, just was wandering has anyone used these and are sva friendly
If you are feeling particulary vindictive, you could always leave him some feedback 89 days, 23 hours and 59 minutes after the auction ends so he
can't neg you back