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another speedo calibration problem
perky 91 - 13/11/06 at 10:01 PM

help please
have a smiths classis mechanical speedo, in a locost with 2 litre pinto, 5 speed with 15 inch wheels, took it out at weekend (on private land of course!) and the speedo showed faster than it felt. im guessing you have to calirate it but have no instructions and no idea please help

Chippy - 13/11/06 at 11:11 PM

You will need to have the clock recalibrated by specialist. Try the web site for "Speedy Cables" which explains what is required, and they will alter your clock so that it reads right. hth Ray.

Danozeman - 14/11/06 at 06:41 AM

Try speedy cables as Ray said mate. It tells you on there website what to do.

YOu have to make an arrow to put on the speedo end of the cable. make the bottom of the tyre and ground. Push car along so the arrow makes 10 revolutions then measure how far the wheel has travelled. Send your speedo along with this info to them and theyl set it up.

speedy cables here

[Edited on 14/11/06 by Danozeman]

perky 91 - 14/11/06 at 07:29 PM

thanks very much

just as i thought i was all sorted out

John Bonnett - 15/11/06 at 08:53 AM

I've just had the form from Speedy Cables. Will try to attach it.