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Anyone thought of a TFT display
Catpuss - 2/12/06 at 09:18 PM

I was wondering. Anyone else thought of using a modified LCD display. Like say one or two 5" displays or a 7" one.

I thinking of something like that or say a small computer to drive via a video output (e.g. something liek of the GPX game consoles)

bilbo - 2/12/06 at 09:42 PM

Is this thread of any use?

chockymonster - 2/12/06 at 10:46 PM

It's an absolute no go.
The lilliput screens are naff all use in direct sun light. I've been through this doing something similar in a boat cockpit.

You're going to need a screen that is waterproof and sunlight readable. To find a 7.5" screen that fitted that description cost £550. I tried a lilliput screen originally but even in indirect sunlight the screen was far too washed out.

You'll need a trasflective screen, they use the sunlight to enhance the display. The lilliput screens are about 275 nits, in sunlight a transflective screen is 1200.

gingerprince - 2/12/06 at 11:12 PM

I had a lilliput in my tintop for mp3/gps purposes a couple of years ago. wouldn't want to rely on it for dials though, very hard to see in sunlight and not very good when you have to reboot because of BSOD

Catpuss - 2/12/06 at 11:38 PM

Yeah I was thinking of a complete dashboard replacement (maybe having a separate sat nav that can give me speed as a back up).
I was thinking of either
a) a PIC controller to read sensors and off load data to memory for rendering
b) something cheap that could either run a tiny Linux for just a program from EEPROM

Programming ain't a problem really. I've been doing it for getting near to 25 years now (though only work wise for 13 years )

I've seen RS do a few small 240x60 ish displays in monochrome which could have potential providing they stand up to sunlight OK.

The thing is once its over say £150 I may as well go for just analogue dials.

I think using LEDs for say RPM line/dashboard lights and 7 Seg LEDs for speed/rpm it could be done for under £100 but I just thought maybe a TFT would look neater.

Protection against weather isn't too big a problem. Thats more about designing the housing. More of a problem would be mounting for protection against bumps/vibration damaging the components/connectors or weather seals.

Oh well worth a thought though.