Good Morning All
I have just bought a Ford inertia switch. I would appreciate some help in mounting it.
First question which way up? It has a red button at one end and two horizontal sleeved mounting points above the red button and one at the lower
diagonal corner.
Second question There are 3 electrical contacts. Can you tell me what goes where(pardon the bad english)
Any help and advice will be gratefully received. Thank you
just mount it somewhere near the front of the car and the button so you can get to it,normally top.
mine has 2 wires on it,got a multi-meter?check out what terms are connected when button is down,give it a smack to pop button up and there should be
no con
Many thanks for your reply. I should be ok with the wiring it was the orientation that I needed clarifying and you have done that and I am really
Thank you again