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Megajolt Up and Running - Thanks to LCB
pajsh - 7/1/07 at 07:58 PM

Fired my car up today for the first time after installing Megajolt.

Wouldn't fire at first but I was pretty sure it was the way I wired up the VR sensor as I had no way of finding out which was +ve or -ve and so just went 50:50. Sods law says I picked the wrong way and so just reversed the wires and then fired first time.

Without LCB I would not have even heard about it let alone been able to buy it and gain loads of help to wire it up. Thanks to Rayward and Paulf for contributions in the past.

I just need to check the tacho now as it originally read only 50% around 500 rpm at cold idle but a call to CA should put me straight.

Onto the 2.0l project and twin carbs for the summer.

PeterW - 7/1/07 at 08:17 PM

Congratulations !

What cam have you got in the PInto..? Carbs..? TPS..?

Can you let me have a copy of the map as I'm going that way soon...



pajsh - 7/1/07 at 08:49 PM

Map is just standard 2D as supplied by Ray Ward in the unit. Ray said it would get me up and running and it did.

Standard 1.6 pinto on DFTH twin choke Weber at the moment but later this year to be tuned 2.1 on twin Dellorto 40's with a Kent RL30 cam.

I have mounted a TPS on the end of the standard carb and will adjust the map when I get a laptop to a full 3D map.

This is the main reason I put the megajolt on now as I thought it would be best to get it up and running on the basic 1.6 first and then go on from there.


rayward - 7/1/07 at 08:58 PM

lets see some pics then!!!!


[Edited on 7/1/07 by rayward]