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Ian Pearson - 28/6/03 at 07:13 AM

For some unknown reason I posted this under "ENGINES", so I'm re-posting it.

I've got most of my loom wired up. The wipers now park, relays wired in for the headlights, fan, horn etc. However, I'm wireing up the indicators and hazard switch and cannot seem to get anything to work. I haven't wired in the flasher units yet as I have no idea how to. All the lights operate as they should except for the "flashing". Been hung up on this for ages, any help/sketches would be really appreciated.

I have two relays, each with two connections.

Many thanks, Ian.

Stu16v - 28/6/03 at 12:05 PM

In theory, the flasher units go in line to the supply feed to the relevant switches. In other words you merely 'cut' the feed to the switch and join the relay onto either half of the supply wire. If you look carefully at the terminals, there are usually marked up which way round to wire them, either by numbers or letters. If you post 'em up I will (hopefully) translate them for you. With this setup you should have two different relays, one will be 4x21w (hazards) and 2x21w (indicators).

HTH Stu.

theconrodkid - 28/6/03 at 03:00 PM

ian,if your not using a purpous designed hazard switch the indicators will back feed and indicate both ways when turning left/right,i used diodes to stop this,draw it out on paper first

Ian Pearson - 28/6/03 at 09:34 PM

Thanks for the replies Stu & John. Spent yet another day on "ELECTRICS"!!

Tried putting the relay in the supply feed this morning. The result was that the relay coughed & spluttered and the lights stayed on. Hitting the hazards resulted in a fast but very weak glow from the bulbs.

I'm using a Sierra column and I think I may have combined the feeds?? I've taken the column off and am going to spend a few hours this evening with my continuity tester trying to sort things out again. It's fairly confusing to my non-ieccy brain, but I presume from what you said Stu, that I should have two power feeds and seperate relays in each feed? The indicator relay is 21W x 2 and the other....pass!

Off to work tomorrow I'm and not back for six days which is a bugger as I'll have forgotten what worked by the time I get back! Got most of the rest of the car wired up, so hope this mountain will shortly be history.

bob - 28/6/03 at 10:02 PM

If i find a copy of the wiring diagram for the sierra hazard and flashers while your away i'll post it for you.

I know ots here somewhere but my office is like steptoes yard at the moment

[Edited on 28/6/03 by bob]

stephen_gusterson - 28/6/03 at 10:08 PM

If you have a std sierra column and are using its indicator switch, and integral flasher relay and hazard switch, it should be easy.

I suspect that its similar to the granda of the same time - and I have a diagram of that in my piccy section


on this site.



Stu16v - 28/6/03 at 10:36 PM

Ian, the Sierra column switch utilises just one electronic relay, for both haxards/indicators. Sorry, presumed you were using Mini style hazard switch.....

Ian Pearson - 1/7/03 at 09:18 PM

Thanks for the advice Guys.

I've been going over the switching on my Sierra column. I hope this will make sense to someone! The indicators seem to have a live feed with two connections to the L & R indicators respectively. With the hazards OFF, of the remainder of the pins, three seem to be related to the Hazard switch. For convenience, I'll call them A, B & C. Using a continuity tester, with the Hazard OFF, A & C are connected, and B is isolated. With the Hazard ON, A & B are connected and C is isolated. Looking at your indicator diagram Steve, am I correct in thinking that the integral flasher/hazard relay should be wired into the live feed for the indicator circuit, and that the other three ( A,B & C) should somehow be connected to the flasher/hazard relay as well? This is probably really straight forward, but it might as well be "ROCKET SCIENCE" to me, so apologies for the twenty questions. Be grateful for any further help you can offer. Cheers for now.

Regards, Ian.

stephen_gusterson - 1/7/03 at 09:41 PM

A B and C are too much for me to get my head around ! but....

If I recall, I just took the details from the hanes manual, and checked them against the car loom from the donor.

The bit in my diagram where it says 'indicator switch' is actually all the bumph within the column including the hazard switch too. I just drew it at its most simplest.

There are only 5 wires involved , and the stuff in the column does all the switching for you.

1. ignition Live feed for indicators function
2. permanent live feed for hazard function
3. left indicator output
4. right indicator output
5. ground - earth.

check my archive - I have scanned the page of the haynes manual to show you. Just wire as per my crappy sketch - the hazard switch is taken care of by ford wiring.



[Edited on 1/7/03 by stephen_gusterson]

Chris Leonard - 2/7/03 at 11:52 AM


on your reply you say "and integral flasher relay and hazard switch, it should be easy" - just so Im not missing something here - is the flasher unit built into the bumph within the column? so that you dont need a seperate haz relay.

I couldn't work it our so I fitted the Haz switch from the dolomite clocks I brought but if it is intergral I'll use the sierra one

Cheers Chris

stephen_gusterson - 2/7/03 at 01:06 PM


My column is from an 87 granada, and as most of the kit on them is sierra, im suspecting the sierra column will be very similar.

If you look inside the plastic shroud behind the steering wheel, you will find the hazard switch and flasher relay together. They are all pre wired into the indicator switch.

If you break out the wires shown in my sketch and verified as per the haynes diagram, it ought to work.



Chris Leonard - 2/7/03 at 01:32 PM

that explains why I could not get the Haz switch to work - I was trying to wire in a seperate Flasher unit and could not suss it out. I will re-wire now and when it works there will be a seperate Haz switch up for grabs - plus a couple of flaher relays. I'm glad I had one on the dolomite dash as vehicle wiring products charge around 19 quid for one.

thanks Chris

stephen_gusterson - 2/7/03 at 01:54 PM

I think its normal to have a single flasher unit that does both hazard and normal indicators. The switch for the hazards just changes the connections of the lamps to the unit.

You dont need two flasher units....



Chris Leonard - 2/7/03 at 03:52 PM

Thats probally the normal way but with the dolomite switch I just could not get it to work with one flasher. The problem was getting the indicators to work with ignition on and not to work with it off and then getting the haz switch to work with both ignition off (live) and on (switched).

Anyway it was a bit of a head scratcher but I got it sussed using two flasher units and the dolomite switch. What didn't help was that i was using a stripped down MKII loom and this had the seperate flasher in it and I didn't know that the Sierra column has a built in flasher.

Thanks to this list its another problem solved.


Trev Borg - 3/7/03 at 07:09 PM

See above diagarm

stephen_gusterson - 3/7/03 at 07:46 PM

i think that looks even less clear than my scrappy sketch and the haynes manual!



Ian Pearson - 6/7/03 at 10:18 AM

Thanks for the replies all. Steve, your diagram prompted me to attempt to decipher the spaghetti at the back of my Haynes manual. I hadn't realised that the switch gear pins have the numbers printed next to them, so have now wired up the switch to accomodate a four pin hazrd/indicator relay. Only have to find a relay now! Scrapyards near me are closed on a weekend, so went down to my local Ford emporium. Before the Gnome from parts even bothered to look at the comp screen he asked me if I had tried the local motor factors!. All he could find was a 3 pin relay, so if any of you folk out there have a part number I'd be gratefull. Will try the scrappy tomorrow, probably find one there.

Just one more slight problem. The windscreen washer pump wire goes live with the lights on. I have tried all manner of combinations trying to solve this problem, but have had no luck. Any ideas?

Regards, Ian.

chrisg - 6/7/03 at 10:41 AM


Just one more slight problem. The windscreen washer pump wire goes live with the lights on. I have tried all manner of combinations trying to solve this problem, but have had no luck. Any ideas?

Snip the wire and connect it through a switch on the dash?



Ian Pearson - 6/7/03 at 03:01 PM

Cheers Chris, that's my last resort as I'd like to use the stalk switch if possible.

stephen_gusterson - 7/7/03 at 08:29 AM

I 'THINK' (but id have to check on my car) that the washer button actually connects to ground. The Haynes manual for the stalk conections is particularly crap in showing whats going on.

If you are desperate, shout and i will try and confirm whats happening on mine.



Chris Leonard - 7/7/03 at 11:39 AM

I wired up as per your drawings - unfortunately it didnt work - the indicators came on but did not flash, same with the haz - the light came on but did not flash - probally a broken relay I shall go down halfords at lunchtime and find out how you replace them in the Sierra column

Stu16v - 7/7/03 at 11:57 AM

There are also 2 different types of switchgear/stalks for the Sierra, you need to make sure you have the rights ones....

Chris Leonard - 7/7/03 at 12:54 PM

Now Im confused -

On my sierra switch gear I have terminals 30 - live feed
49 - switched feed?
L - to left indicator
R - to Right indicator
49a -

Stephen - on your drawing where does the relay sit? I just cant seem to figure this one out. I can see the 30, 49 L and R but and wire it in. Is it just a matter of live and earth to the flasher relay and the 49a from the flasher to 49a on the switch

cheers Chris

stephen_gusterson - 7/7/03 at 01:22 PM

i dont have info at work to confirm but if you look at the haynes drg in my photos you will see that 30 on relay must be at 0v earth, the other two i cant trace as the drg is complete (is at home).

49 looks like power, and 49a is the output to the stalk.

If relay insnt at 0v on 30, or you have less than 2 bulbs in circuit, its likely not to flash.



[Edited on 7/7/03 by stephen_gusterson]

Peteff - 7/7/03 at 03:52 PM

see if this helps at all.It's on a page in this thread to a problem Northy had.

yours, Pete.

Ian Pearson - 7/7/03 at 06:39 PM


I've managed to hook up my indicators and hazards today. I drew a circuit diagram that I think you should be able to follow. The only trouble is that I left it in the garage which is 15 miles or so away. I shall scan it tomorrow and e-mail it to you.

Regards, Ian.

Ian Pearson - 7/7/03 at 09:46 PM


Found the pic, but don't seem to be able to attach it? Will try again, but if I have no luck, e-mail me and I'll send it to you.

Regards, Ian.

Ian Pearson - 7/7/03 at 09:53 PM

Aaaaand one more time.

Chris Leonard - 8/7/03 at 12:00 PM

The plot thickens. I had another go last night but the sierra switch gear I have does not have a terminal 30 on the side where the indicators are. I think its time to give up and wire in my Dolomite haz switch

Thanks for all the help anyway - Chris

Ian Pearson - 8/7/03 at 01:46 PM

Finally sorted out the steering column wiring. Even managed to sort out the washer by using a relay. Thanks all for your help.

Chris Leonard - 10/7/03 at 02:06 PM

I finally managed to get mine to work yesterday. What threw me was that the live earth goes to 30 but it is H30 the same one as the horn. Thanks everyone