I want to use an Odyssey PC680 in my zetec powered car.
I have been down to Jude Performance today and they reckon its no good for a car engined kit. It goes flat and needs a bigger battery to start the
car, every time.
Anybody else using one in a CEC?
I'm just looking for a small battery to go in the passenger footwell.
B0ll0X....PC680 is just fine...if anything it's actually overkill for a se7en....
Been running one for 2 years now. Only time I have had trouble starting was when the car was left for 4 months without being touched....stuck it back
on charge and is right as rain.
PS IIRC Ultima use them for their V8 cars....
Originally posted by chris mason
you might run it down if your driving at night with your fan on, what you'd need to do is work out how many amps your car and it's componemts need to keep running, then just get a battery with more amps than that.
I support Steve; at no time should it be possible to use more amp than the alternator can deliver. Except during starting.
Had a small battery myself. Is ok, usually my audi engine would start immediatly. As mentioned in another thread; I changed it for a bigger battery in
order to get the weight balance in the car better.
After feeling the results of adjusting the cornerweights my advice is: fix the battery last; both the type and the position. With the extra weight of
the bigger battery the left-right balance is now 51-49% (left hand drive; me in the driver seat; no passenger). Was 54-46% (changer more than the
battery alone). Even with my limited driving skills; this effect is VERY noticable. Much more confidence in braking and cornering.
The bigger battery actually makes me less worried if the engine doesn't start immediatly.
Agree with comments above. Had one for two years and had no problems. Even when it stood for 3 months.
I use a Hawker SBS30 in my off road racer.
It's excellent it starts my Rover V8 first time every time.
The power output is very much like the odyssey.
The last race I did was march last year, between then and now I have changed the engine to a Redtop.
I just left the battery in place during the fitting of the new engine... Cranked it over yesterday for first time and she fired up.
Not bad hey!!