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Fireblade carbs TPS wires to megajolt
bob - 11/3/07 at 05:51 PM

Finishing the wires on the megajolt today and came across this dilema, i have three wires to play with on the carbs which are 1, yellow/red 2, red/yellow 3,blue/yellow.

One will go to earth and the other two to megajolt, but which is earth/TPS/and 5V ? Rescued attachment parts0744.JPG
Rescued attachment parts0744.JPG

paulf - 11/3/07 at 06:18 PM

I dont know the colour coding but the way to work it out is using a multimeter.
Set it to the resistance range and check a pair of the wires the resistance may be 5 or 10 kohms but that is irrelavent. find 2 wires that dont change the value when the pot is turned , these are the ends of the potentiometer and are connected to earth and 5v ref from megajolt. The third wire will go from zero to full resistance and vice versa when measured against either of the other 2 wires this is the signal output to the tps connection on the megajolt.
The polarity of the earth and 5v wires will determine the direction of movement of the load cells when operating , ie it should increase the value as the throttle is opened so it may be worth making a temporary connection to be certain it is operating in the correct direction.

bob - 11/3/07 at 06:24 PM

Thanks paul

I have now put that execise on my list for next offshift (thurs)

As you know i've only had the megajolt for a year, i'll let you know how it goes next week.

thanks again

bigrich - 11/3/07 at 10:35 PM

if it helps red/yellow is the tps signal wire,yellow/red is from blade ecu to tps resistor track and blue/yellow from track back to ecu. the haynes blade manual dosnt give any resistance or voltage values for checking,

bob - 12/3/07 at 09:39 PM

cheers that kinda helps a bit,i can assume the MJ TPS signal red/yellow so its a guess that yellow/red is 5V at MJ and blue yellow is ground.

I will as paulf said make temp connections as if anything it will be yellow red and blue yellow that will need swapping.

Thanks for the info