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Fule gauge and sender
chris_harris_ - 19/3/07 at 09:03 PM

I've got a smiths gauge and no sender, just wandered if anyone had any experience of these Or any other ideas for me. Thanks

PeterW - 19/3/07 at 09:22 PM


You might find one of these will drive a Smiths guage




chris_harris_ - 19/3/07 at 09:53 PM

Thanks pete, but how will i know, do land rovers use smiths?

02GF74 - 20/3/07 at 08:14 AM

I think LR fuel guages are smiths; post a photo and I'll tell you.

... but it isn't that simple.

Some LR were 24 V so used a different guage/sender combintaion plus some work in revers i.e. shjow full wheras on another it is empty.