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Diode wiring
Avoneer - 19/5/07 at 02:33 PM

Which end is which?

I know one end has the white stripe, but which is it?



worX - 19/5/07 at 02:39 PM

don't know how to describe it properly, but thats the end goes AWAY from your switch etc

the stripe doesn't let current through it

(I believe!!!!!)


MikeRJ - 19/5/07 at 02:43 PM

The end with the stripe is the cathode. In terms of conventional current flow (i.e. positive to negative), current will flow from the non-striped end to the striped end, but not the other way.

Another way to think about it is the cathode (striped end) must be at a lower voltage than the anode in order for the diode to conduct.

Fatgadget - 19/5/07 at 03:32 PM

Assuming there are no other electronics involved in your particular application, try it both ways.One will work the other wont!

Avoneer - 19/5/07 at 04:11 PM

Cheers all.

Now see here for the problem:
