due to a late change of plan i have mounted my speed sensor on the diff (escort axle).
i tried aralditing the magnets on the pinion flange but the araldite just went runny and dripped off.
is it past its sell by date (a few years old) or should i try a new method
i managed to glue a magnet to my cv joint with araldite-used meths first to super clean the surface-i remember it was runny though think i built it up
with a few coats around magnet to make sure
hth rich
Stuck mine on with PU, no idea if it'll stay there yet though
erm...i dont think pu will last too long,ive ordered some tougher than a geordie on a saturday night drill bits and ill drill out the flange and glue them into the hole,with some factory fresh araldite of course....no expense spared here
Thick superglue to begin with.
Then epoxy. The insulation tape all the way round.
Not come off yet.