Question for thee,
Just realise I may have cocked up on this, I ordered a Hall effect sensor for the speedo (to measure the prop rev without the magnets) , where-as I
think I should have ordered a magnetic proximity sensor (not the one that uses magnets on the propshaft)
Can I use the hall sensor
Actually, addition to that, just realised that the hall effect sensors are rotational and fit into drive gear, this is not so I presume it must be an
inductive speed sensor. I can't for the life of me find the reciept from speedycables.
I have a hall sensor which i was going to fit on the front hub (see thread in sva section) which is now going to go on the prop, picking up the bolts
as they pass.
I may fit one long bolt so i get 1 signal per revolution.
AFAIK a hall effect sensor WILL work by detecting metal rather than just magnets, so you can use it to detect-for intance prop bolt heads
Not sure what you mean by "fit into drive gear"?
yep, your right cheers.