Just about to MOT my Mondeo tin top and noticed the reverse lights have packed up. Both bulbs are fine as is the 7.5amp fuse. Does anyone know where
to find the reverse light switch and anything else I can check please? The car is a 2003 2.0 TDCi.
the reverse light switch is on the gearbox
You do not need working reverse lights for a mot test fitted or not
On top of the gearbox
A pure guess but I'd say on the gearbox/selector mechanism.
I know nothing of Mondeos though!
Thanks everyone. I thought you needed all lights to work if they were fitted but you live and learn. I'll try and sort it tomorrow but if not I'll just MOT it anyway so I can put it up for sale.
No reoverse lights needed for mot.
The switch is on the top of the gear box. If you can get to the wires bridge them. If the lights come on its the switch. Common problem on them i
Agree it could be a common problem with the reverse switch on top of the gearbox. Same thing happened on my 52 plate 2.0 Mondeo Zetec Estate. That was
about 3 years ago and its been OK since.