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Megajolt, Where to Buy From?
rpsmith - 13/6/07 at 12:01 PM

Where is the best place to buy a Megajotl kit from, the only places i can find seem to be American



milson - 13/6/07 at 12:11 PM

theres a guy on ebay at the minute hes from bristol ,very helpful got mine of him no problems at all

milson - 13/6/07 at 12:14 PM

item no 280123096188

nib1980 - 13/6/07 at 12:18 PM

try paulf on here got mine from him, very very helpful, very nice guy too

pajsh - 13/6/07 at 12:42 PM

Rayward also fine for me.

rpsmith - 13/6/07 at 12:50 PM

Cheers for the replys

But can these be bought in kit form, maybe a bit cheaper??

andyace - 13/6/07 at 12:50 PM

Also See for a nice integrated unit

rayward - 13/6/07 at 01:22 PM

not available in the UK in kit form afaik


rpsmith - 13/6/07 at 01:26 PM

Ahhhh pants, they are only $75 in kit form from America and £90 built up over here

I work in a company that has its own electronics department, so one of the guys could have built it up for me...... oh well

PeterW - 13/6/07 at 01:59 PM

Whats the issue with buying from the US...?

Give the £->$ rates at the moment, its a decent deal.

Saying that, I got one from Rayward and its a top bit of stuff



bob - 13/6/07 at 02:02 PM

yup have to agrre the £$ exchange is good right now, my MJ came from paulf top job nice and neat box.

rpsmith - 13/6/07 at 02:11 PM

I just didn't think that they would post to uk, but i will invetigate

paulf - 13/6/07 at 04:25 PM

They will post to the uk ,
Thats how the ones available here arrive .
I havent buit any recently as I used to buy just the boards from the states and the rest of the components here in bulk but its not really worth it with the current exchange rate for a kit or built unit.
If you wanted to import your own kit i will happily put it together and test it for a small sum .

Originally posted by rpsmith
I just didn't think that they would post to uk, but i will invetigate

RichardK - 13/6/07 at 07:33 PM

Got mine from the states, sneaked past the duty as well which was a bonus. Well pleased with the quality as well.
