any chance someone could sketch out how to wire up side lights ,dipped beam amd maid beam for me .
also need a diagram for hazards/indicators .
ive got a premier wiring loom, flasher relay,dipped bean relay and high beam relay are all bolted to the scuttle . im using savage switches
ive diconnected the old sierra switches and im left with just the connectors.
i have sussed out the fog lamp,horn,brake warning.
but pulling my hair out on the rest.
many thanks
seek and ye shall find
[Edited on 22/7/07 by macdave69]
[Edited on 22/7/07 by macdave69]
If the diagrams don't help let me know via U2U and I can come over and help one evening.
thanks very much for the diagrams,just waiting for the termainals from mac1.
give it one last try.