I know you can adjust the general brightness of the dash. I have mine set fairly bright which ius just OK at night. However when i switch the main beam on the light is blinding. Does anyone know of a way to turn down the brightness of the high beam warning lamp independantly to the others?
Probably the only way is to put a resistor in series with the main beam warning connection. Try a 1K to start with and see how it goes.
Its a sealed unit so not easy to add resistors. I may just need to reduce the brightness on the full set and see what its like in sunlight / at
There are 12 settings and i had it at 10. Will try a low setting to see the effect it has.
Why don't you contact etb? They will advise on most options.
Already have.
Brightness levels are actually 0 - 15. What i didnt realise was that from 8 onwards there isnt much change. Ive set it to 3 to see what its like.
Bottom line is i have to stop being lazy and reset brightness if im driving at night.