Hate my current numberplate light, would be better suited on a flatbed trailer!
Would one of these be road legal?
As long as it can be mounted so that no white light is shown to the rear it should be OK . Have seen some where the light is fitted behind the number plate and shines through which looks even cleaner.
A small shroud would cure any problem with visability from the rear. TVR have back lit No plates on some of thier cars (Griffith).
I've got one of them on my car and it was fine through SVA and illuminates the number plate.
Do you want a chrome or black one?
That light looks just like the ones you put in your pc to light it up when you case mod it.
I have one in mine but its red, green and blue. Think I only gave a couple of quid for it, might be worth having a look in some computer shops for it
Originally posted by Avoneer
Do you want a chrome or black one?
I bought one and sent it back as I felt it didn't light up the plate very well (for SVA). So I put a 'trailer' type one on for sva then fitted lite n boltz afterwards. Not sure they provide much light but they look very clean and hold the number plate on too.
I wanted a black one, but have a chrome one on my car. Could have swapped with some pennies.