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speedo Aaargh part 2
ditchlewis - 30/9/07 at 08:43 AM

just a thought but

i have a sensor that does not use magnets and reads the bolts.... if i use the magnets i have and place them on the bolts will this improve the readings or will it bu~~er the sensor?

the magnets are the easy option
minimum work ....


NeilP - 30/9/07 at 08:54 AM

Different techology - The magnets are used with a reed switch sensor (the magnet literally pulling the reed switch closed I believe) - The hall effect sensor generates its own magnetic field (hence the 12v supply) which is altered by the presense of ferrous metal in proximity and then the electronics inside generate the signal to the speedo.

That said, never tried it but I'm guessing that it might be difficult as those little magnets are very strong...

ditchlewis - 30/9/07 at 09:04 AM

it was just a though it was an easy option and quick, something SWMBO could not argue against.....

metal strips here i come....


NeilP - 30/9/07 at 09:12 AM


I'd give it a quick try as the proximity senosr has the little led at the top to tell you when its pushing a signal to the speedo. Place on of your magnets on a small piece of scrap and then bring in close to the sensor. If it lights up from a mile off then I guess it will work (you'll need to flip the magnet over to try both polarities). If it doesn't work until you are really close then it is only picking up the scrap and you will need to do the strips (or alternatives)...

HTH, Neil.

p.s. Post how it goes please.

ditchlewis - 30/9/07 at 11:08 AM

i've run the car up whilst supported on axle stands and all ok up to 50 then i get jumps and a bit of sticking, an SVA fail i'm sure

i put two magnets on a piece of card and placed it near the sensor, and i got a reading, so i have glued them to the prop bolts in an attempt to "boost" the signal.

when the glue dries i will try it again.

this car just does not want to be finished

this is realy getting me down


dave1888 - 30/9/07 at 12:08 PM

Dont know if this will help but, if you have mounted the pickup on a piece of ferrous metal that may have an effect on the reading.

ditchlewis - 30/9/07 at 03:03 PM

i've mounted the sensor using aluminium angle.

i've also used loctite and i now cannot the nuts undone.

not having a good time with this....


HAL 1 - 30/9/07 at 03:44 PM

if its the same speedo i used then try cap head bolts in the propshaft to diff joint

ditchlewis - 30/9/07 at 05:11 PM

well the magnets have improved things with a clear signal untill after 70mph.

dropped the car back on it wheels and had a little run. i think the sensor is touching one of the bolts and there was a noise. so it off with the tunnel again and move the sensor out slightly but thats another day.


its a telemetric CAI guage

[Edited on 30/9/07 by ditchlewis]