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CINQUECENTO / Punto Alternator
MK7 - 18/9/03 at 10:00 PM


Anyone know if this alternator can be made to fit onto a 1.8 pinto engine? It looks like the pulley is different, can this be reasonably easily converted?


Mark Allanson - 20/9/03 at 05:36 PM

My normal road car is a Mk2 Punto, the alternator is not particularly small and runs on a multi v belt. I think the favorite for the pinto are the tiny japanese alternators.

Anyone know any different, it's one of my jobs in the near future

MK7 - 21/9/03 at 09:01 AM

Anyone got (or want to contribute towards the development of) a list of suitable alternators along with what needs to be done to get them to mount and operate?

theconrodkid - 21/9/03 at 09:46 AM

citroen 2cv or small daihatsu,bedford midi,suzuki carry,jeep all fit

MK7 - 21/9/03 at 06:59 PM

Thanks Conrod