I am wondering, is the front of the savage type switches water proof?
Im looking to build a car without any weather gear or wind screen. If I used them (sealed into the dash so water couldnt get to the back, only the
face) and they were subjected to a good downpour or two, would they survive?
the actual switch clips onto the rear of the aluminium face, the bit you see only contains the led illumination bulbs and contacts.
never had an issue with any of mine even when washed etc
Honestly don't think you would have any problems at all
Hear hear.
Been out it the rain several times and mine still work.
They do have an IP rating, but I forget what it is. Not much help I know, but the fact they have got an IP rating should tell you that they do have a
certain resistance to dust and water.
Originally posted by iiyama
They do have an IP rating, but I forget what it is.
Originally posted by RazMan
Are you sure? I have several of these excellent switches and I can't see any evidence of any seals to prevent water ingress.
IP forty-something isn't that waterproof, basically it'll resist ingress of boulders...
Thanks for the info, its good to know.
As long as they will survive the odd shower or two then they ok with me.
Im sure cause I asked the designer when I bought em!
looking at the rear of the switch I have to say that there is no evidence of any ingress prevention. The front is a differnet matter though, even a
rubber washer to seal to the dash.
Technically speaking I guess this wouldnt get a full IP rating in industry, Im pretty sure that for this the entire switch has to comply. However if
the back of the dash is reasonably sealed to the elements then the front of the switch looks like it will give reasonable protection to ingress.
I agree though that the rear of the switch looks like it might just stop boulder ingress!!!!
iiyama... any IP rating can mean basically anything...
for a car dasboard which may be exposed to condensation and dust - IP64 would be adequate.
I realise that bud, looking at my post again I was a little vague....sorry bout that!