hmmmm, since I've started driving again, I seem to have lots of quesitons.
I have nboticed that the fuel guage pointer is a bit wobbly, especialy after accelerating/braking/driving on slopes.
Now not sure if this was happening before - not driven that much - but the tank is low on petrol at the moment.
There are baffles fitted, as per book, so would stop sloshing side to side but not to and fro.
Am thinking of putting a capacitor across the input to dampen the movement of the needle but my rough calc shows a huge value of capacitance so it is
not likley to be of much use - so worth a shot?
Not a problkem, just a bit annoying. I is a Jaeger electrical fuel guage.
Is the gauge fed off a Voltage regulator ?
If not it will be affected by alternator output voltage hence when accelerating etc.
hmmm, good point. no it is not - but I have rewired the dash so could have made a mistake - but that should show the needle fluctuating - say moves
1x or 2x a second - the higher voltage would make the guage read igher.
there is a regulator for the water temp (Smiths) guage.