I have had very little spare time recently, but today I thought I would have a couple of hours on the car. I am building a MK Indy-Blade using a loom
from MK built by Rtec. They give you instructions on a list of connections that mean very little (why not a simple to follow wiring diagram) and tags
on the wire that have now faded so I can't read them. Luckly Roger (rgrs) who lives nearby is going to help me when I have the time. Is it me or
have other builders experienced hours of frustration installing the wiring with rubbish instructions and finding it the worst bit.
p.s. It's not the first car I have built, previously I have used the donor loom and cut it down, much simpler.
wired both my BEC's (blade and zx10) using the loom from the bike and extending as required
I wished I had done the same, and saved money, might still do it that way.
I've got one from Premier Wiring and it's very nice and there are a couple of sheets of colour code/ connectons but "brake light
switch" seems a bit vague - which end ?
I can probably work it out baut a diagram of suggested installation would make things much easier. Also there are 2 fuse blocks with no indication of
what circuit is fused. Again I can trace it out and guess what they are supposed to do but it's a pain.
good luck