Not sure where to put this topic so please forgive me if it's in the wrong place.
We're planning a couple of trips to France in the Phoenix next year, the Laon Historique and the Le Mans Classique and I think an intercom would
be very useful.
I am sure some of you will have gone down this route and I would really appreciate some guidance on what to get. I'm not planning on wearing a
helmet so would need to go for headphone type.
As always, thank you for your help and advice.
Hi John
Never used them myself but Peltor have a good reputation in the rally world. You are looking at £300+ for a two person set up.
If you go for helmets it will probably be quite a bit cheaper.
These are quite novel
You get what you pay for - Peltor are expensive, but they are the best. Used by most rally teams!
If you want to look for alternatives, look for light aircraft intercom headsets - but I doubt they'll be much different in price.
The reason that bike intercoms are much cheaper is that the potential market is much larger.
I use Alan 456R sets on my bike. They are hand held units but they allow a headset to be fitted if you want to use helmets. They are a radio set so
you can talk to others in a group in / on different vehicles.
Thank you all very much for your replies. It may be that they will not be necessary once I've taken out the straight cut box and replaced it with
a Type 9.
Best wishes to you all