I bought a solenoid from some place, but I notice there is a connection missing in comparison to the original. I have attached a couple of
photo's which may explain it a bit better.
The connection that is missing is the one that goes to the coil! Is there another connection I can use?
Come on, I'm working on it now!!!
Lee assuming you are using ballast resistor and points,if so run the ballast by pass to the starter side of the solenoid
It's only the 12v feed for cold start to boost voltage, you could try without it or use a piggyback terminal like conrod says.
yours, Pete.
Cheers chaps, I didn't know what it was for. Hopefully tomorrow I should be able to start it. I'll let you know.
Great timing.
I'm ready to wire up my Pinto starter motor and I failed to keep a record of what goes where.
Anyone got any photo's of which cables go to which terminals?
i sure mine only had two wires, from the ignition and from the battery. maybe i forgot some...
OK, I now have a new coil too but I can't seem to get a spark.
I have the battery connected to the solenoid and the starter too as the photo shows, I have also connected the coil to the 'starter side' of
the solenoid. The negative on the battery is bolted to the chassis and also onto the engine/starter.
Is there anything I've missed because it won't start
I've noticed that on the same wire as the coil it is split off using a white/pink wire that goes back to near the fuse box and changes colour to
black/yellow then to the fusebox (ignition live).
I've just put the ignition on (without starting) and the white/pink wire is getting warm. It says in the haynes manual that the white/pink wire
is a 'ser resist wire' which I'm guessing cuts down the voltage so I checked and I'd say there is less that 1V going through it
when the ignition is switched on.
Also in the haynes manual it shows a 'Ballast Resistance - ignition coil' as a white box, what is this, should I have one, what does it look
like and I don't think I have one in the wiring.
lee,assuming you have points ignition,the live from ign switch goes to + side of t coil,this should be a resisted wire,grey n quite thick,the wire from starter to coil goes to the + side as well,its live whilst cranking engine.flick the points,do they spark?
OK, as for the wiring, what you say is what I have. Now when you say flick the points, is that with the ignition on I take it? I've tried that
and there is no spark.
I've had my multimeter on one side of the points when I turned the engine over and there's a nice 12v so there is power to it from the
It's dark now, no garage, I'll have to wait until next weekend now
if you got a live to the points+side,the other side will be earth,should spark when opened,unless you got a short,that would cause the ballast wire to get hot and have no sparks
Right, new points and condenser, £4.15 and it coughs and farts
Now all I have to do is connect the petrol tank to the engine and away it goes.
Cheers Conrod, the ignition is so simple I knew it should have worked, just a little annoyed that I couldn't work it out.
Anyway there's a spark now and believe me, I'll let you know when it runs (hopefully this weekend)
nil problemo m8