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Viento electric "problem"
Sebastian - 14/2/08 at 07:44 AM


Question: I am connecting all the ends of the Viento wiringloom to the correct items, however at this time the Fuse of the Perm. Supply keeps blowing out when i turn the ignition on live, so what's the most likely place to start searching for the problem?



Paul (Notts) - 14/2/08 at 08:55 AM

Don’t know the Viento wiring loom as I have used a different one but,

A few questions to help get a better idea of you loom..

1 where is the main supply fuse located eg. Straight after the battery +ve.
2 What value is it
3 Do you have a fuse box after this

If the fuse that blows is the main supply fuse and not one of the smaller fuses that supply lights ect. Then it sounds like you have a permanent live wire connected directly to an earth.

so it is in one of the circuits that do not take there feed from the fuse box.


wilkingj - 14/2/08 at 09:23 AM

If there is a short, use a Meter across the wire on the fuse holder down to ground. you should get an full ish reading on the Ohms scale. (Zero your meter first by shorting the probes and adjusting (usually a djusting wheel on the meter).

Then, start disconecting things that are downstream of the ignition switch.

Eventually you should disconnect the offending item.
When you get to that stage, look carefully at HOW the device is wired up, and then sort it out.

Wiring gives nightmares to a lot of kit car people.
Main thing is to treat it as LOTS of individual circuits. Isolate, and test bit by bit, and you should get to the answer.

If you have a ignition coil and standard points, check you haven't wired the live directly to the point, and not via the coil (sort of thing).

Keep us all posted, as we cant help much without more details.

saigonij - 14/2/08 at 09:59 AM

i think i would start out by looking at what is turned on with the ignition...

what have you got connected? and what haven't you got connected?

When i was wiring, any ends that i had not worked on yet i would stuff in a small plastic bag and tape it up, to prevent something from touching the chassis.

most of the kit car wirings have earth leads in Black and perm lives in Brown - which can be confussing cause most fords have earths that are brown and ignition live thats black!!!!!

make a list of whats connected - whats earthed and let us know.