Ok, obviously I need a helmet to ride this thing on the road, and SWMBO will want one too as she's a bit of a speed freak as well. I'm
thinking £100 is about right on a helmet, not something I want to budget on particularly, and I saw these with built in bluetooth headset -
for a ton each. Then I saw this watsit as well -
Seems to me that if I stick that box in the scuttle connected to the power and pair up the bluetooth then all me and SWMBO have to do is put helmets
on, sit in the car and presto, intercom. Anyone done this? Does it work ok?
Looks like it'll work with GPS and phone as well should I ever create a car reliable enough to need directions, or if I for some reason ever wish
to be contactable when driving.
You want to listen to your wife while driving
Strange as it may seem, knowing her she'll be nagging me to go faster... :O
Hi - Where did you see the intercom advertised? Dependent on cost it could be what I need for a job I am working on
LIDL have a small wired Job for a Fiver with a small head set . Cheap ......
It is the short range wireless intercom bit I need - 10 to 20 foot only - to avoid shouting over loud engines
I'm not sure it's out yet - search for "bluecom bluetooth repeater" and there's a couple of review articles. Should be standard bluetooth 10m range, down to about 3m if there's anything in the way.
Originally posted by mad4x4
LIDL have a small wired Job for a Fiver with a small head set . Cheap ......
got the lidl one - works well for the money and also comes with input/adapters for mobile phones mp3 players etc.
The leads are long enough for a small car, with the unit sitting between driver and passenger (clipped onto my seatbelt)
The headsets are comfortable enough even with sunglasses but I couldn't say what they'd be like under a helmet!
The volume is deceptive. Just by the nature of its design the earpiece blocks out some noise and when your passenger speak you can hear it quite
I don't know about the battery life but mine has lasted a couple of hours so far!
I'd be interested in hearing about the bluetooth intercom - it's always nicer to lose the wires!