After much cutting and labling the other week im ready to spec out the extension of the loom (R1 5PW) What aditional functionality do i need which the
bike doesnt currently have?
My Thoughts so far would be:
1. Need side light as well as the main and dipped beam (not sure if this is required)
2. Side lights need to be usable if the ignition is off?
3. Fog light needs adding
I dont have the indicator/headlight relays so need to replace them apart from that i have the full main loom from the R1
Hazards need to work with the ignition off as well.
you also need to add a circuit for the handbrake / brake fluid level warning light.
And also depends on where your loom is from (UK or US) and how new the bike was, as it might have permanent running lights, so you will need to change
them into switched...
Yes it does have perm on running light i just noticed this while photoshopping the the loom diagram
I tried drawing my loom out in photoshop on sunday, Its sooo much easier with a pencil and a piece of paper.
I was just editing the one out of the R1 service manual so not as taxing