Hi all,
I have a little problem with my electrics. I'm Building a MK Indy with an R1 engine. I have fitted a KOSO dial but have a little problem with
the main beam warning light. The lights all work fine. When the head lights are off and i flash the main beam the blue indicaor on the dials flashs
correctly, but when i put the head lights on it comes on permantley i have checked the voltage on the wires going to the lights and it seems it has
5 volts running to the main beam when the head lights are on....not enough for the lights to work but enough to illuminate the dash
Any idea's
what i am doing wrong and if it would fail it's SVA for this?
That's peculiar - the wiring for the warning light should simply be connected to the main beam on the headlight. I can't think why you have
5v going to the main beam when you switch the dips on - sounds like you are taking the power from the wrong side of the headlight somewhere and
getting the voltage drop across a bulb filament. Check you are getting 12V when you flash.
[Edited on 20-4-08 by RazMan]
Sounds like an earth problem, its as if your back feeding the main beam circuit, check h/lamp earths or unplug each main beam in turn to find which side is at fault.
Sounds as though you could possibly have the headlamp bulbs wired incorrectly so you are using both filaments in series on dipped setting, e.g. the earth and main beam wire are transposed. This would give just under half the battery voltage on the junction between the two filaments.
looks like i'll have to get the scuttle off and look at the wiring I thought it was all ok but only raised the problem after fitting the
gauges! will i ever get this car finished
first remove one light (bulb)
and see if it still lights up..
and how much voltage you get.
if you get the full battery voltage or it rises then you know the reason is a bad earth (in fact more resistance in your circuit)....
if it goes off you know the bulbs are in series....
easy as dell..
Hi All,
Just a quick update. Took a good look at my wiring and was really puzzeld as it all looked ok. Opened up the lamps which i bought off eBay and it
seems the witing in them are wrong. Re done them and all seems ok
Thanks for all the advice