My headlamp flasher isn't working, checked the fuses they're ok, could there be a relay somewhere i've missed ? I'm using Ford
sierra column and switches
any help gratefuly received as electrics aren't my strong point
i havent got one, its not needed for sva.
to get the flasher working I believe you need to add another +12v input to a pin on the sierra stalk...
I believe it is the top pin of the set of 4 for the headlights - but I may be wrong....
We had problems with the Sierra relays. Out of about 5 only one worked. Make sure you get a new relay (CBS do them for around £5)
IIRC pin15 needs a supply from the right hand switches
Hi Schrodinger
What was wrong with Scotland?????
Thanks all, will check those out.
There exists somewhere on this site a link to a full Vicki Green (Robin Hood) loom diagram. This has a breakdown of the Sierra stalk connections. I used this on my loom and agree that there is a pin that needs a power supply to power the flasher, sorry don't remember which one. I didn't need a relay, it does depend on what model of switch system you have. Hope this helps.