Has anybody got the instructions for a Sigma 1200 Sport Bike computer?
Its an earlier model which has a black body with a yellow and a turqoise button at top and a single turqoise button at bottom which goes complete
width of body.
Problem is, the battery went flat and display has reverted to KMH when I replaced it.
I can't find the bleddy instructions and so was hoping somebody on here had some for same model which they could scan/copy and email me so I can
change to MPH?
Yours in hope,
is it this one?
Don't know if it'll help but have a looky here
Doh!! beaten to it but just goes to show what a great forum this is.
I've got a Sigma on the Locost. Great speedo. Vmax pretty useful too. I found mine in the bargain bin at Halfrauds too! Bonus.
Thanks guys - this forum comes up trumps again!!