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FOG lights together with which lights???
tks - 24/5/08 at 03:57 PM

The fogs cant burn on them selves its obgliatory to join them with some other lights...

Which lights is it??
is it
a) together with the POS lights, only if they burn the fog can burn
b) together with the main/dipped beam, only if they burn the fog can burn



[Edited on 24/5/08 by tks]

RazMan - 24/5/08 at 04:00 PM

I would have them switched on with the head lights (via a suitable switch of course) - that way you can leave the side lights on for parking.

Peteff - 24/5/08 at 04:15 PM

The rule used to be that they only come on with dipped beam but the manufacturers don't apply that any more but with the head lights makes sense. They have to have a tell tale light to show they are on.

[Edited on 24/5/08 by Peteff]

tks - 24/5/08 at 06:26 PM

its an SVA requirement to have them switch on only with some lights???

they cant work if the normal lights aren't on...

so what is the rule for SVA?


clairetoo - 24/5/08 at 08:44 PM

I`m not sure what the SVA requirements are these days , but when I did mine I wired the fog light through a relay so that it would only come on when the main headlights are on , and goes out when the lights are off even if you forget to switch it off .

tks - 24/5/08 at 08:48 PM

okey its clear..

main lights then..


adithorp - 24/5/08 at 08:49 PM

There isn't an SVA requirement that they have to be on with other lights. It used to be standard practice that they only operated with dipped lights (maybe a legal requirement but not in SVA book). Now many cars are wired to work on side lights (position lights).

Mine are wired to dipped headlights.
