A very quick question, Does the Alternator earth through the body of the unit for charge light circuit?
I've a very nice alt bracket which is powdercoated and isolating the alt from the engine and it's earth strap.
Will a small earthing strap from alt to engine fix this problem.
ATB Dan.
A bit of wire temporarily fixed to the Alt and the egine block should tell you the answer - it can't do any harm
it will deff need a very good earth..
so i suggest... that you brake locally the surfice...
if it can charge 60amps it needs an earth of 60amps... so depending on the rating of it it will need the earth...
the light doesn't neaad earth because it takes the earth int he dash..and the power from the alternator..
Imagine your charger it has 2 leads to charge your battery... so needs your alternator..
Or hows about getting a nice big earth strap with "eye" ends. Drill out the eye end to the same size as the alternator adjustor bolt and put the strap eye under the bolt on the adjuster arm.... Earth the other end to something nice and chunky on the chassis....
Ok. I agree with everything said except the fact the Alt charge light earths at the dash it earths through the alt and when the alt is charging it
removes this earth so switching off the light.
Time for a big bonding lead.
ATB Dan.
Originally posted by scutter
Ok. I agree with everything said except the fact the Alt charge light earths at the dash it earths through the alt and when the alt is charging it removes this earth so switching off the light.
Time for a big bonding lead.
ATB Dan.
Originally posted by scutter
Ok. I agree with everything said except the fact the Alt charge light earths at the dash it earths through the alt and when the alt is charging it removes this earth so switching off the light.
Originally posted by tks
mhhhh you could be right about that one...
but also wrong...
All sorted, yes i had to add an earth strap, see attached pic, it goes between iether end of the Alt. tnesioner. Also helped with charging if the 12V
supply to exite the Alt. was live, a fuse had blown.
All working well now, accord to the MS it's kicking out 13.7V
Cheers to everyone for there help, ATB Dan.