I've had the car going since november but i have the side and dip lights round the wrong way on the stalks, I just started to fit the wipers so
thought i'd fix it but i can't figure out whats wrong.
I have BG87 stalks and a premier loom.
one the first click of the switch i get dip and side lights
on the second click i get side only
any ideas?
well you are making the wrong relais...
cant you just turnaround/swap the relais connections..??
sounds like a good idea but side lights are thru a relay
I think the previous post is suggesting you need to switch the connections on the relay to get around the problem. Check the wiring diagram in the sierra book, if I can reacall both switches connect differently think one has something to do with the earth. But wires aint my thing
i've been messing all morning checking the wiring, i got it to work correctly now, there are two flat spade connectors but when i plugged it on the other one it works