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R1 tilt switch
CRAIGR - 24/6/08 at 05:23 PM

Anyone know where to drill the tilt switch to pump it full of goop. Don't want to drill in the wrong place and firk it up.

adithorp - 24/6/08 at 05:56 PM

Pop the sensor out of its casing (2 little pips hold it in. Stick the little pendulum in the centre of its swing. Let it set. Then slot it back in.

I drilled mine and squeezed stuff in but it moved the pendulum. I stripped it, cleaned it out, stuck it and shoved it back wet and it moved. Thats why I say let it dry.


CRAIGR - 24/6/08 at 05:56 PM

Will it work ok like that then Chris. ??

Originally posted by chris mason
no idea where to drill it, but why not leave it as Yamaha intended, you'll have less hassle that way.


andy o - 24/6/08 at 06:00 PM

mine is as standard,no probs

worX - 24/6/08 at 06:00 PM

It'll probably cut the engine if you roll it in a ditch until you push it back over again, so if that's the sort of thing you are trying to avoid then stick it...

Actually in all seriousness, I've secured all the ones in looms I've built in much the same manner as Adithorpe. Dismantle glue pendulum in place and re-assemble.

Originally posted by CRAIGR
Will it work ok like that then Chris. ??
Originally posted by chris mason
no idea where to drill it, but why not leave it as Yamaha intended, you'll have less hassle that way.


CRAIGR - 24/6/08 at 06:01 PM

Now wheres that lovely sikaflex

Daimo_45 - 24/6/08 at 09:05 PM

I went out in car with tilt sensor and it shut the engine on a hard corner so glue it.

tks - 24/6/08 at 09:42 PM

or just join the wires.... (take it out)

its what i could do on my VFR 800 from 1998..


worX - 24/6/08 at 10:18 PM

Thats not always possible TKS, sometimes that would be possible to cause more headaches than solve them, so although it would be ok for one bike, beware that it's not always the best advice for all bikes...


Originally posted by tks
or just join the wires.... (take it out)

its what i could do on my VFR 800 from 1998..
