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LED Indicator flasher pinout
cloudy - 29/6/08 at 09:57 PM

I've bought one of the ebay special LED indicator flashers, but have no ideaon the pinout - It has 4 pins labelled +, -, R, C any idea's guys?


Dusty - 29/6/08 at 11:41 PM

+ 12v supply
- earth
C indicator switch
R Warning lamp

cloudy - 30/6/08 at 08:05 AM

Thanks Dusty, does the warning lamp includes the lights themselves and the warning light(s) on the dash? I would have expected to wire the output of this via the indicator/hazard to allow it to flash each side individually?

Dusty - 30/6/08 at 12:15 PM

If you have sierra stalks.
+ will be supplied from 49 on the column switch.
- to any handy earthing point.
C to 49A on the column switch.
R to whatever you are using as indicator warning light on the dash.

cloudy - 30/6/08 at 02:40 PM

I have individual warning lights, one for each side - So I'll just have to wire these through the output
