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Earth Straps
Slater - 5/7/08 at 10:15 PM

Am I correct in thinking I need 3 earth straps? 1.8 zetec/type 9 box

  1. Battery -ve to chassis
  2. Engine block to chassis
  3. gearbox to chassis

Does the starter motor need one?

Can anybody recommend where to get earth straps?


Paradoxia0 - 5/7/08 at 10:23 PM

I am sure someone will put me right, but I would say the battery to the chassis and the chassis to the block are a must, but as the gearbox and engine are metal to metal this will be a good contact anyhow so not needed.


Paul TigerB6 - 5/7/08 at 10:31 PM

As above, only 2 are really needed but an extra one onto the gearbox / engine assembly wont do any harm if you have the 3rd as i did in your kit. As you dont though you may as well just stick with two. The starter is bolted to the engine so earths through that.

Macbeast - 6/7/08 at 04:33 AM

Earth straps from Halfords. I would put one from starter bolt to chassis to ensure maximum oomph, and a second one from somewhere on the block or gearbox to chassis on belt and braces principle.

turbodisplay - 6/7/08 at 08:38 AM

Without a strap there is a good enough earth to start my car via the grounding of the diff. (wouldn`t do this as it wont do the diffs ang good) Point is the gearbox wouldn`t need a strap.
However if the engine strap has a poor contact (corrosion), the gearbox one will start the car.


designer - 6/7/08 at 09:21 AM

Note that you should never put and earth strap to magnesium.